Mortgage Protection | College Funding | Family Banking | Final Expenses

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Mortgage Protection

Let’s take a moment to talk about most peoples’ biggest asset, their home. Many of us have protection in place that if their home caught on fire, you can replace it. What about your mortgage? Mortgage Protection is coverage that will help you pay off your mortgage in the event of a loss of life, disability, or qualifying illness.


Family Banking

This is an older system that is designed to ensure your family wealth will continue for generations. We will develop a plan that will literally replenish your family’s money for years to come. Generations of access to funds, beneficial loans, and tax advantaged growth on your dollars.

College Funding

There are several ways to prepare future college expenses for our children. One of the less familiar options is to utilize insurance! That’s right. You can get coverage that will allow you to grow your money in a tax advantaged plan. This allows for your money to grow efficiently so when it is time for our children to go off to school, you can stroke a check!


Final Expenses

No more raising money to bury our loved ones. We can help you get coverage that will cover your funeral expenses! These policies are simple to get and have NO MEDICAL EXAMS REQUIRED. You are a few questions away from securing coverage that will eliminate the concern of funeral costs for your family.